The CAPA-MC IT Club works to develop websites for different clubs and organizations in CAPA. Students learn web development as well as web design skills as they work to benefit their community. Previously they have done work for CAPA-MC’s May Heritage month website as well as the Tai Chi club website. Their biggest project is working to develop the current CAPA-MC website
IT Club Projects
IT Club Events
Join IT-Club!
CAPA-MC’s CAPA-IT Club is a place where teamwork and creativity is fostered in the pursuit of learning. The club’s mission…
2023 AWS Skills Center Tour
CAPA-MC IT Club and THRIVE Club students toured the AWS Skills Center in Arlington VA on September 25, 2023. …
IT Club is working on CAPA website
The IT Club has been working on developing the CAPA website for the past few months and is almost done…


Phone Number
(702) 850-0668

Email Address
How to Join IT Club
Registration form: https://forms.gle/4d7QzEo3Emx4ui777