Time: 3/29/2024@2:00pm-5:00pm
Location: Glenora park Beach Volleyball court and basketball court (Wooton parkway and
Dundee road)
Participants: Ben R.; Albert G.; Fuller G.; Eric Z.; John L; Connie R.; Melonie R.; Christal T.; Christina T.; Chelsee T.; Summer, David G.
Parent mentors: Min; Xiaohua;Chen;
Our volleyball coach volunteers lead the participants to warm up, practice serve, passing, digging , setting, hitting. After the skill drills, they played the games. All players separate into two teams, each team mixed with boys and girls.
The volunteers also introduced their club to the beginners and talked about their experiences in club practice and games. They had fun teaching and practicing with the participants.
And the participants showed more interest in learning volleyball.
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